Hanoi to set off fireworks at one site only on New Year’s Eve

Hanoi has planned to set off high-altitude fireworks at Thong Nhat Park only, which will be broadcast live on television on the upcoming Lunar New Year’s Eve.

Hanoi will set off fireworks at one site only on New Year’s Eve. (Photo: NDO)
Hanoi will set off fireworks at one site only on New Year’s Eve. (Photo: NDO)

The decision comes under plan no.55-KH/TU on the organisation of entertainment activities before, during and after the upcoming Lunar New Year in 2020 in the city, which was signed by Standing Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Municipal Party Committee Nguyen Thi Tuyen.

Accordingly, the city’s Party Committee assigned the Capital High Command to chair and coordinate with relevant agency to organise the fireworks display at only one site, with the use of socialisation funds, to serve people in welcome Lunar New Year in a safe and saving manner.

This will be the second year in a row that the capital city will have set off fireworks at just one site amidst the complicated development of COVID-19 pandemic.

On previous Lunar New Year’s Eves, fireworks shows were organised in all 30 districts and towns of the city.