Hung Yen strengthens supervision and promptly handles rising issues

The Standing Committee of the People's Council of Hung Yen province organised a conference on September 12, to review the implementation of the Law on Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils.
At the event.
At the event.

According to Vice Chairwoman of the People's Council of Hung Yen Province Tran Thi Tuyet Huong, after seven years of implementing the Law on Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils, supervision activities have many innovations and are close to reality, focusing on socio-economic fields, budget revenues and expenditures, implementing resolutions of the People's Council, as well as remaining problems and limitations, difficulties, and livelihood problems of the people.

At the conference, delegates discussed contents related to solutions to improve the effectiveness of the provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, with the Provincial People's Council in supervision activities; experiences and solutions to improve the quality and effectiveness of supervision activities of the Provincial People's Council Delegation Group. They also proposed amendments and supplements to the Law on Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils.

Concluding the conference, the Standing Vice Chairman of the People's Council of Hung Yen Province Le Xuan Tien proposed, that the People's Councils at all levels need to innovate and improve the quality of organising meetings, to promptly resolve arising tasks and practical requirements for local socio-economic development.

At the same time, it is necessary to organise and effectively implement supervision activities, focusing on regular supervision and specialized supervision, especially public investment supervision.

At the same time, it is necessary to innovate in meeting with voters, to listen and receive many opinions from voters, who are directly affected or benefit from the specific policies.