Minister hopes for stronger Vietnam-Japan cooperation

Minister of Public Security To Lam expressed his belief that relations between Vietnam and Japan will grow further in the time ahead while receiving Special Advisor of the Japan - Vietnam Friendship Alliance Takebe Tsutomu in Hanoi on July 26.
Minister of Public Security To Lam (R) and Special Advisor of the Japan - Vietnam Friendship Alliance Takebe Tsutomu. (Photo:
Minister of Public Security To Lam (R) and Special Advisor of the Japan - Vietnam Friendship Alliance Takebe Tsutomu. (Photo:

The minister attributed the intensive and extensive cooperation in various spheres to mutual trust and efforts by generations of leaders and people of the two countries.

Lam expressed his impression on Japan’s performance in reducing traffic accidents, and suggested Takebe encourage relevant Japanese agencies to launch programmes helping raise capacity for Vietnamese traffic police officers.

The minister also called on the special advisor to help boost cooperation between units under the Ministry of Public Security and the Vietnam-Japan University under the Vietnam National University-Hanoi (VNU-Hanoi).

For his part, Takebe pledged to make efforts in fostering collaboration between the two sides.