Overseas Vietnamese commemorate President Ho Chi Minh

The Vietnamese Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia held a ceremony on May 17, to mark the 134th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890-2024).
A ceremony to mark the 134th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh in Laos. Photo: TRINH DUNG
A ceremony to mark the 134th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh in Laos. Photo: TRINH DUNG

On the occasion, Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Nguyen Huy Tang called on all officials, party members, the masses, businesses, and overseas Vietnamese communities to strive to promote the studying and following of President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, and lifestyle, while also striving to complete assigned tasks in an effective manner.

The ambassador expressed his hope that the Vietnamese community in Cambodia will continue to promote the tradition of solidarity, help each other to excel in work and life, overcome all difficulties, and strictly comply with local laws, looking wholeheartedly towards the homeland and country.

Dr. Nguyen Hong Son, Chairman of the Vietnamese Association in Japan, said: The homeland is associated with traditional cultural values, so even though far away, the Vietnamese community always devotes itself to giving Uncle Ho and his homeland a special affection.

Vietnamese Association in Japan are proud and wish to introduce the beauty of Vietnamese culture and people to Japanese friends, continuing to contribute to the development and prosperity of the homeland of Vietnam.