US supports Vietnam to enhance aviation weather forecasting capacity

The US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) signed an assistance agreement on December 16 to support the Vietnam Air Traffic Management Corporation (VATM) in enhancing its aviation weather forecasting capacity.

Air traffic controllers at Noi Bai International Airport
Air traffic controllers at Noi Bai International Airport

Under the agreement, the USTDA will provide 1.06 million USD in non-refundable aid to the VATM while the US company IM Systems Group, which is the contractor of technical assistance, will provide an additional 294,000 USD.

Following the signing of the agreement, the VATM will work IM Systems Group on a contract to present to the USTDA for approval, which then will be implemented for a period of 21 months.

The main goal of the project is to establish a numerical weather prediction model with input from global modelling data and local monitoring data available in Vietnam with the aim of improving the accuracy of forecast products.

Aviation weather is one of the five services provided by the VATM to ensure flight safety.

In recent years, the VATM has made efforts to enhance its weather forecasting capacity but the SYNOP method that it is currently using has produced no major breakthroughs.

With the USTDA’s technical assistance project, the VATM will have access to advanced weather forecasting technology and highly accurate products to meet its operation requirements.