Competitions launched to find talents in traditional art forms

The 2023 national competitions for talented actors of Tuong (classical drama), Cheo (traditional opera), and folk opera officially opened in Thanh Hoa City, in the province of the same name , on May 6.
Representatives of the organising committee present flowers to members of the Jury for the competition.
Representatives of the organising committee present flowers to members of the Jury for the competition.

This is an art playground consisting of two independent competitions: the competition for professional stage actors of Tuong and folk opera (from May 6-11), and another for talents of Cheo (from May 11-17).

The competition featured the participation of 73 Cheo artists from 14 art units and 42 Tuong and folk opera actors and actresses from 9 units around the country.

Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ta Quang Dong speaks at the opening ceremony.
Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ta Quang Dong speaks at the opening ceremony.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ta Quang Dong affirmed that the competitions provide valuable opportunities for the artists to express their enthusiasm and dedication for the traditional art forms and display their skills.

This is also an opportunity for state management agencies to recognise and honour talented artists of traditional arts as well as encourage them to make more contributions to the development of the traditional art forms.

The closing and awards ceremony will be held at 8pm on May 17.