Hanoi’s Craft Village and Farm Produce Festival opens

A festival featuring Hanoi’s craft villages and agricultural products was launched at the My Dinh National Sports Complex on the evening of December 14 to promote Hanoi’s achievements in agricultural and rural development and stimulate the consumption of agricultural products.
Delegates visit booths displaying agricultural products.
Delegates visit booths displaying agricultural products.

With a total area of 15,000m2, the festival is showcasing products of the One Commune One Product (OCOP) Programme, products of Hanoi craft villages, Vietnamese cuisine, high-tech agricultural products, achievements of the Hanoi agriculture sector, as well as agricultural products of other provinces and cities.

The event attracted the participation of 273 units, including 153 units from 27 districts in Hanoi, 92 units from 24 provinces and cities across the country and 28 enterprises.

The festival will also conclude a conference to review the project on ‘Developing capacity for analysis and certification of agricultural products’, a workshop on ensuring food safety and quality of agricultural, forestry and fishery products, and a workshop on solutions to develop the ornamental plant sector.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Vice Chairman of Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Manh Quyen said, that Hanoi will continue to accelerate agricultural restructuring and restore the growth rate of the agricultural sector, through improving production efficiency and expanding markets.

The city will also promote the development of green, ecological and smart agriculture, associated with urban development and rural tourism services and experiential education.

In addition, Hanoi will focus on developing modern agricultural production models and organic agriculture, in association with the development of the agro-processing industry, the connection with the global agricultural value chain and the preservation of craft villages.

The event will take place until December 18.