Hi-tech agricultural zone to be set up in Quang Ninh

Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh has signed a decision on establishing a hi-tech agricultural zone in the northern province of Quang Ninh.

Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)
Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)

The zone will be located in Hong Thai Tay commune of Dong Trieu town, covering an area of 106 ha.

The zone will serve as a facility for experimenting results of agricultural research, creating demonstration models of high-tech cultivation, preservation and processing of agricultural products; and production of biological products.

It will also be tasked with receiving and transferring scientific and technical advances serving agricultural production; and training human resources to serve hi-tech agriculture for Quang Ninh and other localities.

Investment projects in the zone will be entitled to preferential policies in accordance with current regulations.

The Deputy PM assigned the provincial People's Committee to update the name and land use demand of the zone into the provincial master plan in the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050; the province’s land use plan in 2021-2025, and other related plans in accordance with legal regulations on the land use and management planning.