National press award on the development of culture, sports and tourism industries launched

The second National Press Award - titled ‘For the Development of Culture, Sports and Tourism’ - was recently launched to review the results of the three industries over the past year.
Winners of the first ‘For the Development of Culture, Sports and Tourism’ National Press Award
Winners of the first ‘For the Development of Culture, Sports and Tourism’ National Press Award

Hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the award aims to honour the outstanding contributions of collectives and individual journalists towards the development of culture, sports, and tourism.

This is also an opportunity for journalists, reporters, and editors to exchange professional experience and expertise, thus contributing to improving the quality and efficiency of information and journalism activities.

The award is open to Vietnamese people at home and abroad as well as foreigners. The entries should be presented in Vietnamese language.

The entries are published or broadcast on licensed press agencies in five categories of press, including print, online, radio, television, and photojournalism.

The winners of the award will be honoured at a ceremony which scheduled to take place in Hanoi on August 28.

Last year’s event featured nearly 1,100 works of individuals and groups of journalists nationwide, with a total of 94 prizes presented to the best entries.