People's Police Academy opens new academic year 2023 – 2024

The People's Police Academy held a ceremony on September 12 to open the new 2023 – 2024 academic year.
Director of the People's Police Academy Tran Minh Huong beats a drum to kick start the new 2023 – 2024 academic year.
Director of the People's Police Academy Tran Minh Huong beats a drum to kick start the new 2023 – 2024 academic year.
The ceremony is attended by leaders of the Ministry of Public Security and the academy’s students.

The ceremony is attended by leaders of the Ministry of Public Security and the academy’s students.

Lieutenant General, Professor, Dr. Tran Minh Huong, Director of the People's Police Academy, addressing the ceremony.

Lieutenant General, Professor, Dr. Tran Minh Huong, Director of the People's Police Academy, addressing the ceremony.

Lieutenant Colonel Tran Thi Thuy Hanh speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of officers and lecturers of the People's Police Academy.

Lieutenant Colonel Tran Thi Thuy Hanh speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of officers and lecturers of the People's Police Academy.

Student Dinh Van Anh speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of students at the academy.

Student Dinh Van Anh speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of students at the academy.

A performance at the ceremony.

A performance at the ceremony.

A drum performance at the ceremony.

A drum performance at the ceremony.

A lion dance at the ceremony.

A lion dance at the ceremony.

A motorcycle parade at the ceremony.

A motorcycle parade at the ceremony.