Photo exhibition highlights Mekong Delta's beauty

The Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists, in collaboration with the Vinh Long Province Literacy and Art Association, organised the ceremony to conclude, honour winners of the Mekong Delta Art Photo Festival, and open the exhibition of outstanding festival works at Vinh Long City Square, on September 30.
Photo exhibition highlights Mekong Delta's beauty

With the theme “The Country - People of the Mekong Delta on the Path of Renewal.”, the 39th Mekong Delta Art Photo Festival 2024 attracted 1,851 works by 252 authors from 13 provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta region, including 971 colour photos and 880 monochrome photos.

Through the online judging round, the Jury selected 144 works by 90 authors to enter the exhibition round.

Photo 1: Author and work winning the first prize in the colour photo category "Coral Reef Conservation" by author Truong Phu Quoc (Kien Giang province).

The content of the photos participating in the Festival mostly shows the natural beauty, land, people of the Mekong Delta, achievements in economy, culture-society, security, national defence, sea and islands, national borders, building new-style rural areas; typical examples in studying and following the ideology, morality, and style of Ho Chi Minh, the beauty in the spiritual life of ethnic minorities.

Many entries also highlighted achievements in economy, culture, society, security, and national defence, as well as role models in studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology and morality.

The Organizing Committee awarded two Gold medals, four Silver medals, six Bronze medals and eight consolation prizes. At the same time, they granted 144 certificates to authors whose works were exhibited.

The organising board also gave four team prizes to high-achieving groups at the Mekong Delta Art Photo Festival 2024 in Vinh Long Province.

In addition, the organising board awarded certificates of merit to authors whose works won high prizes at the marathon photo contest and awarded certificates of merit to four authors whose works won high prizes at the art photography contest specialising in Vinh Long Province, with the theme "Vinh Long Tourism - Characteristics".

On this occasion, the Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists awarded commemorative medals to three individuals who are provincial leaders, leaders of departments and branches of Vinh Long Province who have made many contributions to the development of Vietnamese photography at the festival.

Immediately after the award ceremony, the Organizing Committee opened an exhibition introducing 155 outstanding photos of the 39th Mekong Delta Art Photo Festival 2024 in Vinh Long Province.

The exhibition lasts until October 4 at Vinh Long City Square.