Arts programme honours outstanding public security officers

The Ministry of Public Security held an arts programme in Da Nang on July 9 to honour 79 exemplary public security officers in remote, border and island regions.
Exemplary public security officers at the event.
Exemplary public security officers at the event.

Within the programme, the audience had an opportunity to listen to stories about the silent work of local public security officers as well as enjoy various impressive performances by officers and artists.

In recent years, as part of its mission to protect national security and safeguard public order, the people’s public security force has remained proactive in preventing security risks early and fighting crimes at the grass-roots level.

In particular, the public security force in remote, border, and island areas has implemented practical measures to fulfil the task of ensuring a peaceful life for the people.

Senior Lieutenant Lo Thi Thien from Dien Bien Province, one of the 79 outstanding officers, shared that she was proud to be recognised by her superiors and trusted by the people.