Fine Arts exhibition opens to celebrate Dak Lak Province’s 120th anniversary

The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Dak Lak Province held the opening ceremony of the second Dak Lak Fine Arts Exhibition in 2024 at the Dak Lak Provincial Cultural Centre on September 27.
Delegates cut the ribbon to open the exhibition.
Delegates cut the ribbon to open the exhibition.

The exhibition is one of the practical activities to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the founding of Dak Lak Province (November 22, 1904-2024).

The exhibition received 119 works by 51 professional and non-professional authors and art lovers living and working in the province. The Organising Committee selected 100 outstanding works by 51 authors to judge and participate in the exhibition.

The Art Council highly appreciated the content and form, richness in themes, and diversity in materials of the works, such as oil painting, wood carving, acrylic, silk, lacquer, gouache, solder, scrap fabric, monoprint, ink wash, PP printing, digital painting, watercolour, oil wax, and synthesis of the following majors of painting, graphics, sculpture, and applied arts.

At the opening ceremony, the Organizing Committee awarded two A-prizes, three B-prizes, four C-prizes and five consolation prizes to outstanding works.