Hanoi accelerates the development of cultural industries

Hanoi has achieved certain results in developing cultural industries, but the city needs to make further efforts so that cultural industries can develop in a manner commensurate with their potential.
Hanoi has done a good job in promoting heritage values for tourism exploitation.
Hanoi has done a good job in promoting heritage values for tourism exploitation.

Since the beginning of 2024, the city's departments, branches, unions, districts, and towns have seriously implemented the tasks identified in Program 06 in conjunction with the implementation of Resolution No.09 of the City Party Committee.

To date, 14 out of 18 targets have been completed with a focus on improving quality, including the targets regarding: the proportion of families recognised and maintaining the title of Cultural Family; the proportion of villages and hamlets recognised and maintaining the title of Cultural Village; the proportion of residential groups recognised and maintaining the title of Cultural Residential Area; and the rate of agencies and units recognised as cultural titles annually, which have been completed and exceed the city's targets.

Currently, there are five targets that need to be focused on and directed strongly in 2024. Meanwhile, three difficult targets that need solutions to be completed by 2025 are upgrading the ranking of national monuments, improving the rate of villages and hamlets with cultural houses, and building inter-level schools on par with countries in the region.

Regarding the development of cultural industry, according to general records, localities and units focus on investing in developing a number of potential fields and advantages of the capital, such as: cultural tourism; performing arts; handicrafts; and cuisine.

Since the beginning of 2024, the number of tourists to Hanoi was estimated at 14.05 million, an increase of 13.7% over the same period in 2023.

Of which, international visitors were estimated at 3.14 million, an increase of 52.6%, while domestic visitors were estimated at 10.91 million, an increase of 6%.

Total revenue from tourists was estimated at VND 55,385 billion, an increase of 22.8% over the same period in 2023.

In addition to the achieved results, the Programme Steering Committee also identified difficulties and limitations that need to be promptly overcome.

These challenges include that the development of cultural industry and the exploitation and promotion of the value of historical and cultural relics after investment of districts, towns and cities are not commensurate with the potential and advantages of the locality; and the awareness of cultural development, improving the quality of human resources, and building elegant and civilised Hanoians is not yet profound nor comprehensive.

In addition, the development of the vocational school system is not yet commensurate with the potential and advantages of the capital.

Some indicators on vocational education, the rate of trained workers, and the rate of workers with degrees and certificates have not yet met the set requirements.

The indicator on building national standard schools still faces many difficulties and has not been completed according to the programme and plan.

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Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Nguyen Van Phong assessed that the results achieved by Programme No.06 since the beginning of the year have been quite comprehensive in many areas. Products related to the cultural sector, especially the cultural industry, have been clearly demonstrated, bringing efficiency and impact to socio-economic development. This is helping the strong recovery of tourism in Hanoi.

In order for Programme No. 06 to be implemented more effectively and better in the coming time, Nguyen Van Phong, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, suggested that localities and units review the targets and make strong efforts in striving to implement them; localities and units need to pay more attention to developing cultural industries to promote tourism development.