Interesting vineyard experience attracts tourists in Hoa Binh

In recent days, Hoa Binh people are buzzing with the vineyard experience model in Cao Phong Town, Hoa Binh Province. With grapevines covering an area of nearly 3,000 square metres, visitors can freely enter the garden to admire, take photos, and buy fresh grapes at the garden at reasonable prices. This model has been attracting large numbers of tourists while bringing high economic efficiency to the locality.
Entering the garden, visitors will experience, check-in, take photos, and pick grapes.
Entering the garden, visitors will experience, check-in, take photos, and pick grapes.

Developing the agricultural economy in an ecological direction, associated with experiential tourism, is the direction being implemented by the provincial agricultural sector and localities with strong tourism strengths in order to improve production efficiency, while at the same time creating new tourism products to attract tourists. The Ha Den grape model combined with experiential tourism in Cao Phong District has initially affirmed its effectiveness, contributing to improving the lives of farmers and promoting sustainable agricultural and rural development.

After more than a year of implementation, the Ha Den grapevines have grown and developed well, and are currently entering the second harvest, with an estimated yield of 9 tonnes/hectare. In particular, the model has also become a tourist destination for many tourists who want to visit, take photos, and experience the feeling of harvesting ripe grape clusters to enjoy.

The vineyard attracts large numbers of tourists, especially children.

The vineyard attracts large numbers of tourists, especially children.

Mr. Ha Ngoc Tuyen, Chairman of the Board of Directors cum Director of Cao Phong Hoa Binh Company Limited, said that, according to expert assessment, Ha Den grapevines are very suitable for Cao Phong's soil, some households have also registered with the company for transfer in 2025, so there will be many models to implement.

Ha Den grapes are harvested twice per year. The first crop is from late May to mid-July, while the second is from October to December; the time from cutting to ripening is about 120 days. The lifespan of a Ha Den grape tree is about 10 years, if well cared for it can be up to 15 years. Therefore, the investment efficiency is very large. This is the first grape growing model in Hoa Binh Province and is also an agricultural model associated with experiential tourism for high economic efficiency.

Successful implementation of the model will open new directions in crop restructuring towards organic production; high technology; protecting the ecological environment; improving value, quality, and income; and promoting tourism development. Local authorities need to pay more attention to developing tourism development programmes and building sustainable agriculture and new rural areas, with appropriate investment in infrastructure to serve tourism, technical support, technology, human resource training, etc.

From June 10, the vineyard is open for free from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. every weekday. Visitors to the garden will also be guided by company staff on the process of planting and caring for grapes.