Workshop discusses prevention of cyber fraud

A workshop on preventing and combating cyber fraud was held by the Ministry of Publish Security and the National Cybersecurity Association in Hanoi on May 13, in the context of complicated phishing, aiming at the appropriation of property.
Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, Deputy Minister of Public Security, and Chairman of the National Cybersecurity Association speaks at the event. (Photo: NDO)
Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, Deputy Minister of Public Security, and Chairman of the National Cybersecurity Association speaks at the event. (Photo: NDO)

Addressing the event, Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, Deputy Minister of Public Security, and Chairman of the National Cybersecurity Association emphasised the urgency of organising the workshop, as cybercrime is becoming increasingly complex and changing rapidly, with sophisticated conspiracy to carry out cyberattacks to appropriate assets of organisations and citizens.

According to statistics, cybercrime accounts for 57% of crimes, causing not only economic and financial damage but also destabilisation of social security and safety.

Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang called for further strengthening the roles and responsibilities of association members, individuals, organisations and businesses in fighting fraud in cyberspace for national sovereignty, the peace of life, and the rights of people, organisations and businesses.

The workshop included two main sessions, with the plenary session discussing preventing and combating cyber frauds and the thematic session on solutions to prevent cyber frauds.

At the event, delegates had an opportunity to visit and experience technology booths.