'Shrek the Musical' to debut in Hanoi

For the first time, the musical 'Shrek' from the famous Broadway stage, will be performed at the Hanoi Opera House.
'Shrek the Musical' to debut in Hanoi
'Shrek the Musical' to debut in Hanoi

It is expected that the musical will take place in early November. The event will also close the Opera House's activities in 2023, before closing for restoration, according to the organising committee.

'Shrek the Musical' was purchased by The YOUniverse and collaborated with a creative team including Meritorious Artist Dang Chau Anh, director Ylaria Rogers and Music Director Nicholas Gentile.

This is The YOUniverse's biggest art project in 2023.

Along with the musical, the "Shrek the Musical" project also has many parallel events to complement and explore the artistic and creative potential of young amateurs and children with disabilities, helping them have more opportunities to approach musicals, shine on stage and spread positive values to the community.

The project also shares the message of environmental protection, with the costumes and accessories used on the musical stage, all made from recycled materials.

The children demonstrated costumes made from recycled materials.

The children demonstrated costumes made from recycled materials.

“Shrek the Musical” is the second fairy-tale musical to be performed in Vietnam. In 2022, The YOUniverse also bought the rights and organised the performance of "Alice in Wonderland", but in a form for students.

As for "Shrek the Musical", the producer had to spend five times the royalties compared to "Alice in Wonderland", and bought it from Broadway.

It is expected that the number of actors and staff for the "Shrek the Musical" project will reach 300 people, and the project aims to reach about 3,000 audiences, both directly and on platforms and social networks.

The main goal of the project is to target young people and help young audiences pay more attention to and understand musicals. Currently, the project is starting to recruit actors of different ages to participate in the musical.