Survey on socio-economic situation of 53 ethnic minorities to be conducted

The first ever survey on the socio-economic status of Vietnam's 53 ethnic minority groups will be undertaken in 51 provinces and cities nationwide on August 1.

Survey on socio-economic situation of 53 ethnic minorities to be conducted

The large-scale survey, conducted by the General Statistics Office (GSO) and the Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs, aims to collect information on the socio-economic status of 53 ethnic minority groups, including population size, income and housing conditions among others, in order to compile statistical indicators and develop policies for the socio-economic development.

According to the GSO, this is an extra survey that is not included in the annual statistical survey programme. The survey is detailed with many new and different features compared to other surveys made before which requires special preparations, the GSO stated.

A notable difference in this survey is questions on marital status, birth history of women and employment status of people ages 12 and up, instead of 15 as seen in other surveys.

Thorough surveying will be carried out for ethnic minority groups with less than 10,000 people, and sampling investigations will be conducted for ethnic minority groups with larger populations.

The survey will mobilise the participation of nearly 23,000 officials, nearly 9,000 investigators and 2,000 supervisors.

The survey results will be published in December this year.