Vietnam-funded printing house project delivered to Laos

A printing house for the Lao National Publishing and Book Distribution House worth nearly VND26.1 billion (US$ 1.14 million) and funded by Vietnam was handed over to the Lao Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism at a ceremony in Vientiane on December 12.

Delegates at the hand-over ceremony
Delegates at the hand-over ceremony

Covering a total area of 400 square metres in Vientiane, the printing house was opened after a 10 month construction period and is equipped with modern printing equipment and facilities.

Speaking at the hand-over ceremony, Pham Chi Thanh, Acting director and Editor-in-chief of Vietnam National Political Publishing House – Truth, said that the project is a gift from Vietnam’s Party, State, and people to Lao friends.

He said he believes that once it comes into operation, the printing house will facilitate the operation and development of the Lao National Publishing and Book Distribution House in disseminating publications on Lao Party guidelines and State policies to the public.

On behalf of the Lao Party and State, Lao Deputy Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Buangean Saphuvong expressed his deep thanks to the Vietnamese Party, State, and people for the gift.

He highlighted the significance of the construction, saying that it will benefit publication and distribution in Laos.

The project also demonstrated the special solidarity between Vietnam and Laos, he stressed, expressing his hope for Vietnam’s further support in improving human resource training for Lao’s publication and distribution sector.

On the occasion, the Vietnam National Political Publishing House – Truth presented Laos with computers and laptops worth VND300 million in total.

Vivan Chanthakhot, Director and Editor-in-chief of Lao National Publishing and Book Distribution House, was awarded with Vietnam’s Friendship Order at the event in recognition of his contributions to popularising Vietnam’s publications in Laos.