Animated series seeks to change stereotypes on Vietnamese products

Wolfoo, a YouTube children’s animated web series, which has reached more than 2 billion views a month, has changed the world’s stereotypes on Vietnamese products.
Wolfoo has become a close friend to many global children (Photo: SCONNECT)
Wolfoo has become a close friend to many global children (Photo: SCONNECT)

Created and produced by a Vietnamese team from Sconnect Company, the show follows Wolfoo, a male wolf living on a hill in a small village with his parents and sisters, Lucy and Jenny.

The show has released nearly 2,700 episodes on the YouTube platform, and it has been dubbed in 17 foreign languages such as Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and French.

Since the first episode was launched in 2018, the channel has gained impressive achievements, including the YouTube Diamond Play Button, more than 2 billion monthly views, as well as being named in YouTube’s Top 50 most-viewed channels many times.

The success of Wolfoo has affirmed that innovative made-in-Vietnam products can definitely meet global quality standards and gain the appreciation and support of a global audience.

With a running time of around three minutes, each episode follows Wolfoo’s journey to discover and learn new things, thereby helping nurture good character strengths, virtues such as courage, gratitude, kindness, compassion, creativity as well as important skills including teamwork, emotional self-control, and communication.

Not only designed as an animated series providing entertainment and education for children, Wolfoo has also become a close friend to many global children through both commercialised products, the Wolfoo City amusement centre, and the Wolfoo Games app.

The influence of the Wolfoo animated series on young audiences around the world is undeniable; however, the path to success of the series has not only been strewn with roses.

Le Dang Khoa, head of the Wolfoo production team in the Sconnect Vietnam Company, said the team has faced many challenges. He revealed that there were periods of time when the number of views on the Wolfoo YouTube channel was only 2,000 a month, much lower than the current figure of more than 60 million.

Not allowing themselves to be discouraged, the team has tried to work out new designs and scripts to gain more interest from viewers.

At the Wolfoo City amusement centre (Photo: SCONNECT)

At the Wolfoo City amusement centre (Photo: SCONNECT)

With an understanding that conquering an international market with stricter standards and more requirements from the audience is a big challenge, Sconnect's creative team has kept working on increasing their products’ quality, and adapting the education method in their products’ content.

The team has also expanded Wolfoos’s product ecosystem, including the animated Wolfoo Series, animated Wolfoo music and the Wolfoo reality show, in a bid to meet diverse needs and bring more value to children.

The success of Wolfoo has affirmed that innovative made-in-Vietnam products can definitely meet global quality standards and gain the appreciation and support of a global audience.