Book on former political prisoners on Con Dao issued

A book entitled ‘Political Prisoners arrested on Con Dao (1957-1975) – A look back on realities’ was officially introduced to readers on May 24 in the Mekong Delta province of Can Tho.

Con Dao prison
Con Dao prison

The six-volume book, which was published by the Liaison Committee for Con Dao Former Political Prisoners and People's Army Publishing House, is a collection of notes by former political prisoners who were in custody in Con Dao Prison in Ba Ria – Vung Tau provice.

It features the heroic struggle of former political prisoners in Con Dao prison against American imperialists from 1957 to 1975.

The book focuses on key activities including building Party organisation in the prison, promoting political thought work, resisting enemies and the victory of the struggle.

In addition, the book also criticises the wrong perspectives and individuals who betrayed the country and surrendered to the enemy.

The publishing of the book is expected to contribute to preserving the proud past of the nation as well as educating young people about patriotic traditions and national pride.