Lang Son promotes the prevention and combat of human trafficking

On July 5, a training course on counter-trafficking and victim protection for frontline officers was held in the northern mountainous province of Lang Son.
An overview of the training course
An overview of the training course

The three-day event was organised jointly by the Department of Drugs and Crime Prevention and Control under the Border Guard High Command, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in Vietnam, the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, and the US Department of State.

The training programme was attended by 30 officers and employees of the border posts and the Border Guard of Lang Son province.

At the training course, the trainees thoroughly grasped and learned contents related to the prevention and combat of human trafficking; international law and Vietnamese law on human trafficking and illegal migration; investigative skills and professional measures to support the investigation of human trafficking cases; victim support and protection; international coordination and cooperation in the prevention and combat of human trafficking; competence of the Border Guard in handling and settling human trafficking cases.

The training course also exchanged and shared experiences to answer and remove difficulties and obstacles, in practice in the prevention and combat of human trafficking of the units, thereby, contributing to improving the level and capacity of the force engaged in crime prevention and combat, meeting the requirements of tasks in the new situation.