Resources must be ensured for policies on elderly: Deputy PM

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha asked localities to ensure resources for the implementation of policies towards the elderly, while addressing a hybrid meeting of the Vietnam National Committee on Ageing (VNCA) on March 12.
Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha speaks at the meeting. (Photo: VNA)
Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha speaks at the meeting. (Photo: VNA)

To take a better care of seniors and carry forward their role in socio-economic activities, it is a must to consolidate the organisational apparatus of relevant associations at all levels, especially those at the grassroots, the official noted.

Policies on this group of people require a long-term vision with the elderly’s lives, health and social affairs taken into account, he said, urging ministries, agencies, localities, and the Vietnam Association of the Elderly (VAE) to propose the Politburo issue a relevant resolution in the new situation.

VNCA members should step up their coordination in inspection and supervision over the implementation of the National Action Programme for the Elderly for 2021-2030, he continued.

The VAE was asked to work together with the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA), other ministries and agencies to form coordination mechanisms and organise activities for the senior, and enhance international cooperation in elderly affairs.

The MoLISA reported that Vietnam counts about 16.1 million older adults, of whom more than 5.4 million have received either pensions or social allowances, and 15 million been covered by health insurance.

VAE Chairman Nguyen Thanh Binh suggested the issuance at an early date of a resolution ratifying the national strategy for the elderly by 2030, and the rapid perfection of institutions and policies in response to population ageing.