Deputy PM joins locals at ‘All people protect national security’ Festival in Dak Lak

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang joined leaders of the public security ministry, local authorities and people, to attend the ‘All people protect national security’ Festival in An Lac Ward, Buon Ho Town, Dak Lak Province on August 14.
Deputy PM Tran Luu Quang speaking at the event (Photo:
Deputy PM Tran Luu Quang speaking at the event (Photo:

Speaking at the event, he praised the efforts of the Party committee, authorities, army and people of Dak Lak Province, especially An Lac Ward and Buon Ho Town, for their remarkable achievements over the past years, which have contributed to the country's overall success.

While emphasising that protecting national security, maintaining social order and safety, and implementing the ‘All people protect national security’ Festival, are the common task of the entire Party, military, and people, the Deputy PM asked local Party committee, authorities, political and social organisations, armed forces, and people in Dak Lak Province, and An Lac Ward, in particular, to thoroughly grasp the Party's guidelines, State’s policies and laws, and Ministry of Public Security’s regulations, and instructions on ensuring security and order.

More efforts are needed to diversify methods and contents of communication, to educate patriotism and national pride, as well as observance of the law among people, to raise their responsibilities in safeguarding national security, he added.

It is also necessary to better improve the living condition of local people and effectively implement policies of ethnic and regional affairs, particularly in the residential areas of ethnic minority groups.

On the occasion, Deputy PM Tran Luu Quang presented gifts to Party committees, authorities and outstanding households in An Lac ward.